General Kirby General Kirby

Defend the Right to Remix

Under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, video artists who break the encryption on a DVD or sample online streaming videos could face legal threats – even if the video they create is considered fair use. Join myself, the Electronic Frontier Foundation and thousands of filmmakers. Visit Rip Mix Make to voice your support for decrypting videos for the purpose of remixing. Please do so before February 10th.

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General Kirby General Kirby

Trade and Order

Obama's graphics team employed a bit of subliminal remixing during the 2012 State of the Union. This is the titling accompanying his introduction of the Trade Enforcement Unit, a body for "investigating unfair trade practices."

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General, Uncategorized Kirby General, Uncategorized Kirby

Giving away €5 (about 7 bucks) in Flattr credits

Update: This offer is now over.

The fine folks over at Flattr have offered me €5 (about 7 bucks) in Flattr credits to give to 100 people. (If you don't know what Flattr is, watch the short video above.) You have to be a new user to qualify.

To get your free credits, email me at kirby at with the subject line, "Flattr". The first 100 respondents win. The guys at Flatter will then contact you with a promo code to use during your sign-up.

Once you've got some credits, here's some recommendations on folks to flattr:

Or you can flattr fellow Everything is a Remix fans like MiaJulien, Douglas, Becka and Andrew.

And of course, you can always flattr Everything is a Remix.

If you enjoy Flattr, be sure to keep using it. It's a simple way to support online creators and I'd like to see it spread.

Even if you don't have any interest in Flattr, it's Pay a Blogger Day, so take a moment to donate any amount you can to someone whose work you find valuable.

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