Fall cohort early bird discount ending Friday

Early bird pricing for my fall cohort class Everything I Know About Making Videos ends on Friday! Only a few pre-order spots are remaining! Order now and save $550. After they sell out (or Friday comes), the price goes up.

Join an awesome group of attendees, like Michael Taylor, the author of Prompt Engineering for Generative AI!

This live, in-person class is what it says: it’s everything I’ve learned about making videos in my two-plus decades of doing it. You can get the full course details here, including dates and curriculum.

You’ll learn directly from me, you can ask me whatever you want, and I’ll give you feedback on your work. It is unlikely I will ever run this cohort again, so get it while you can.

If you’re interested but have questions, ask away!


The AI Lawsuits Will Fail


Where My Big Idea Came From